What is a Ledger Wallet?

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The Ledger wallet, marketed by the French company Ledger, is a hardware wallet, i.e. un A physical cryptoasset wallet, which resembles a USB stick in form. There are several types of Ledger wallet:

We invite you to go visit the Ledger help page for any handling of a Ledger wallet or problem you may encounter. you may encounter.

Sécuriser ses cryptomonnaies :

Buying cryptocurrencies is one step, securing them is another. The electronic system manufactured by Ledger ensures a maximum security of your private keys. 

👉 At Coinhouse, we use the technology "Ledger Vault" which ensures the security of our clients' assets. You can therefore either :

  • Store your cryptocurrencies on Coinhouse
  • Transfer them to a Ledger wallet

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

If you choose the second option, forgetting your recovery phrase "Seed" of your Ledger portfolio may result in the total and irretrievable loss loss of your funds, you are therefore responsible for securing your funds. for securing your funds.

  What is the difference?

However, if you store your cryptoassets on Coinhouse and you set up the 2FA(which protection of your account), you can at any time recover access to your account any time, even if you have forgotten your password or lost access to your password or lost access to your mailbox. All you have to do is contact the support team to verify your identity.

If you have any further questions, we are at your disposal !

Monday to Friday : from 9:30 to 18:00.


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